Elaborating Global PSSL’s position on recent collaboration among Securities Lending trade associations
I have recently been asked if Global PSSL intends to collaborate with the new working group established by some of the Securities Lending trade associations. As of today, Global PSSL has not been invited to participate in the formative discussions for that working...
Global PSSL Transparency Update: Publications about Global PSSL
Global PSSL encourages accurate, evidence-based, and impartial reporting of sustainable securities lending and securities finance issues. We believe that quality journalism, and informed comment, play a vital role in supporting and promoting the broader sustainable...
Global PSSL as partnership alongside United Nations Principles
Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending (Global PSSL) is pleased that the Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Limited (SuMi TRUST Bank) has recognised Global PSSL as one of its partnerships to tackle solutions to difficult challenges for a sustainable society...
Global PSSL autumn newsletter
Welcome to the Global PSSL Autumn Newsletter. History will view the beginning of this decade as a period of great change. Jolted out of apathy by a pandemic and the tangible consequences of climate change, we are all taking a fresh look at how we do things. Here at...
Global PSSL issues two progress reports and announces a review of its workstreams
Tuesday 5th October 2021 Global PSSL issues two progress reports and announces a review of its workstreams Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending (Global PSSL) has issued two new progress reports that provide an overview of its important work on market...
Global PSSL issues a draft forward-looking standard to embed sustainable securities lending in emerging markets.
Tuesday 14th September 2021 Global PSSL issues a draft forward-looking standard to embed sustainable securities lending in emerging markets. Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending (Global PSSL) today published a draft forward-looking standard on...
Revised Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending issued alongside opening signatories
Tuesday 7th September 2021 Revised Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending issued alongside opening signatories Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending (Global PSSL) today published fully revised and updated principles for sustainable...
Global PSSL issues a draft forward-looking standard to strengthen sustainable finance with interconnected collateral
29 July 2021 Global PSSL issues a draft forward-looking standard to strengthen sustainable finance with interconnected collateral Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending (Global PSSL) today published a draft forward-looking standard on how to strengthen...
Global PSSL issues recommendations for achieving greater transparency in the securities lending value chain
20 July 2021 Global PSSL issues recommendations for achieving greater transparency in the securities lending value chain Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending (Global PSSL) today published seven draft recommendations for consultation to prepare the...
Global PSSL issues first ever ESG standard on short activism
Global PSSL issues first ever ESG standard on short activism Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending (Global PSSL) today launched a ground-breaking voluntary ESG Standard on Short Activism. It is available online here. The standard was formally launched...