
We are delighted to let you know that the first meeting of the group leading The Global PSSL Mentorship Programme took place on 28th January 2021 and the second meeting was held on 18th February 2021. The former was moderated by Radek Stech and the latter by Andrew Geggus. The key outcomes from these meetings are:
• This group wants to help improve the openness of finance to people from all walks of life. In doing so, it will set out clear goals for the Mentorship Programme in the coming months by engaging with key stakeholders (e.g. universities, several external D&I organisations and mentors).
• We will also put emphasis on the data to support the design and execution of this programme.
• Global PSSL will issue a survey on D&I in due course. This element of the Global PSSL initiative is particularly exciting as is offers the promise of new talent and innovative thinking to this market. We very much look forward to working with all stakeholders to improve access for all in the finance sector.