Update from the CEO
Global PSSL offers a new way of thinking and driving sustainable securities lending in accordance with the best governance practices and thought leadership. We have seen tremendous interest from beneficial owners, agent lenders, prime brokers, hedge funds, data providers, the media, regulators, international organisations, academia – basically – across the entire community of practitioners and stakeholders.
Global PSSL is a Community Interest Company established solely to create, maintain, update and promote a recognised global market standard for sustainable securities lending. Moving forward, we remain impartial and independent of trade associations or special interest groups. In doing so we ensure this is an all-inclusive industry initiative working towards sustainable development goals.
Having said this, we encourage and welcome input and feedback from regional securities lending associations as we want to make sure we function as a true market standard. We will analyse any commentary and weight it appropriately initially during the consultation phase (starting 15th December 2020, when we launch Global PSSL for public peer review).