University of Exeter expert appointed to prestigious economic committee
A University of Exeter expert has been appointed to be a member of a prestigious economic network.
Dr Radek Stech, from the University of Exeter Law School, now serves on the Bretton Woods Committee, a nonpartisan group of prominent global citizens who work to demonstrate the value of international economic cooperation and to foster institutions as forces for global well-being.
The Bretton Woods Committee features representatives from The Bank of England, BlackRock, Harvard University and The World Economic Forum.
Dr Stech was appointed because of his work on global sustainable finance. He is Executive Chair of the ISLA Council for Sustainable Finance (ICSF), and the CEO of the Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending (Global PSSL) Community Interest Company. Global PSSL is taking his earlier work with prominent beneficial owners on PSSL to the next level and will involve collaboration with the whole finance market. Global PSSL will advance sustainable securities lending, and the broader global sustainable finance market, through cutting edge market leadership, research and educational innovation, international collaboration, and tangible impact. It will then be applicable globally so organisations can follow similar sustainable high level practices on securities lending. It will provide direction for them to work towards more detailed technical guidelines taking into account regional nuances.
Dr Stech’s work is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, part of UK Research and Innovation.
Dr Stech said, “I have always held the Bretton Woods committee, and its esteemed member-base in high regard, so this invitation is a great honour to me, personally. However, I accept this nomination more in the spirit of the potential of what I hope to achieve, than as a reward for past accomplishments.
“Above all, I should mention that the real benefits to society will be affected by the organisations I work with through my Global PSSL initiative. My role is to bring people together with a common goal and to coordinate their transition towards ethical governance, it’s up to them to adopt these principles as an integral part of their philosophy.”
For more details, please contact Dr Stech: radek.stech@gpssl.org and/or Ela Slota, Executive Assistant at press@gpssl.org. This press release is also available at the University of Exeter’s website.