Mission and Vision Statement

The Global PSSL initiative represents the most progressive and determined move towards uniting the sustainable finance ambitions of market leaders with the tenets of sustainable securities lending.
Global PSSL will advance sustainable securities lending, and the broader global sustainable finance market, through cutting edge market leadership, research and educational innovation, international collaboration, and tangible impact. Drawing on the collective experience of the initial working group, the ISLA Council for Sustainable Finance (ICSF) and broader roundtables, Global PSSL is uniting the efforts and aspirations of these groups under a globally recognised market standard.
Global PSSL is a not-for-profit, impartial and impact-driven social enterprise that provides a hub for all key stakeholders to co-create, maintain and progress this critical agenda.
Global PSSL will focus on the following objectives:
Global Market Standard: To secure recognition of the Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending as a global market standard for sustainable securities lending by early 2021 (following a consultation at the end of 2020).
Market Influence: Through participation and active engagement, market leaders will have a stake in Global PSSL, allowing it to achieve genuine and positive market changes in the long term.
Global Impact: Through its interconnectedness, Global PSSL will contribute to the broader sustainable finance agenda (i.e. sustainable development goals, market liquidity, active ownership and stewardship and the community interest).
Dr Radek Stech is currently working on the appropriate structures (e.g Executive Committee, College of Advisors and Observers).